Keeping in Touch - May 2020

As we approach the 8th week in lockdown in the UK, so many of us are grateful for the wonders of video technology.  At the beginning of this year, the term 'Zoom' brought memories of an ice lolly that we enjoyed as children and now it is a lifeline to being able to maintain contact with friends and family.  We are so grateful to our Musical Director, Pete Linnett, for finding ways to use Zoom to enable us to continue to enjoy weekly a cappella singing.

We are delighted that we have been able to continue with our Monday evening term time practices at the slightly later time of 7.30pm. Our initial wrestling with Zoom on PCs, laptops, iPads and phones is now a distant memory and most of us are now dab hands in a way that seemed near on impossible on week one.  Of course, these sessions can never replace the experience of singing together in person and we are keeping faith that the hugely happy day of doing this again is not so very far away.

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